Whether you call them fakes, replicas, look-alikes, reproductions or is still called product counterfeiting and it is BIG business.  According to the Department of Commerce, losses to U.s. business from the counterfeiting of trademarked consumer products are estimated at $250 billion a year.

Counterfeiting is the imitation of a product and unauthorized use of another's trademark (registered brand name, logo, scent, design, etc.).  The counterfeit, identical in appearance, gives the impression of being the genuine product from the real manufacturer.

Allowing counterfeit items to enter the marketplace is illegal.  Some people  mistakenly believe that if counterfeit merchandise is identified on the sales tag as being "fake", "faux", "look-a-like" or "replica" it is alright to buy or sell it.  Not true...a counterfeit is still a counterfeit and is still illegal.  You can find them for sale on street corners in major cities, in house parties, out of the trunks of luxury autos or perhaps "from behind the counter" or "under the table" at legitimate stores. Let us be clear - it is still trademark infringement and it is illegal.  Counterfeiting is punishable by fines, confiscation, and prosecution - so protect yourself and do not buy or sell any goods that you suspect may not be genuine. 

 At My Sister's Closet, we will not ever knowingly sell a counterfeit product and all designer purses, shoes and scarves are professionally authenticated by an independent fashion appraiser.